The Dukan diet has four phases:
The duration of phases 1 and 2 varies, if you want to lose less than 10 kg, it is best to do 3 days, if you want to lose more than 10 kg is best to do 5 days.
Phase 1:The phase of the pure proteins (PP)
Foods allowed:
calfbeefpoultry without the skin (except duck and geese)ham ligtheggstofuhamall fish and seafoodfat dairy productsWe should drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day
watercoffeeteaCan it starts much as you like these ingredients, should be careful not to use any type of fat in your cooking. Prefer to eat barbecue, steam, baked. ...
Phase 2:Phase alternation of proteins: (PL)
Foods allowed:
all foods in phase 1vegetablestomatocucumberradishspinachceleryfennellettucechardeggplantpepperForbidden foods:
potatoesricecornlegumesavocadoPhase 3:Phase transition:
The transition phase lasts 10 days for every pound you lost the first two phases, for example, stages 1 and 2 you lost 5 kg, the third phase must last for 50 days.
Foods allowed:
white meateggsall fish and seafoodfat dairy productsraw and cooked vegetables1 piece of fruit a day but avoid bananas, grapes and cherriesbread (two slices per day)2 meals per week (pasta, rice, potatoes, vegetables ...)At this stage it is allowed to commit two times "sin" for weeks, but not throughout the day, the excesses are limited to one meal. Our advice is to do on Saturday night.
Phase 4Phase of consolidation and stabilization
This is the most enduring and important phase of the diet, should have the care of the previous stage and consume every day, 3 tablespoons of oat bran and 3 tablespoons of wheat bran.
1 day per week should eat only protein foods.
Weigh every day to guide our mistakes.
Consuming 10 grams of protein per pound that we have.